PopUp Hotel
New York City, USA
The PopUp Hotel is a revolutionary new type of hospitality experience. Outdated Class B office spaces are transformed into a new concept of urban resort. We intend to partner with various owner/leasing agencies around Midtown to identify buildings in need of revitalization. A uniquely urban experience, the Pop-Up hotel will feature a variety of amenities and rooms catering to a wide diversity of clientele. The PopUp Hotel will be hospitality experience centered on a monthly repertoire of live events, concerts, lectures, and conferences. Imagine staying a week to attend a rock concert festival, being able to interact with hundreds of fans, while having a comfortable and convenient bed to go back to after every night. We believe this all encompassing hotel experience will cater strongly to tech-savvy and socially-minded millennials.
The setup is simple. All the parts needed to outfit a hotel for a week is trucked onto site and set up. Reservations are taken and parties are held. The office building receives much needed publicity, the hotel is taken down after four weeks and the kit of parts moves on to the next office building to occupy. Revenue is generated and shared amongst the hotel operators and building ownership.
The PopUp Hotel is the winner of the 2012 Radical Innovation in Hospitality Award.
Team: Fabian Busse, Leon Lai, Eric Tan, Nicolai Schlapps
Phase II and Operational Model Team: Sam Olsen, Louis Barruel, Leon Lai, Eric Tan, Nico Schlapps