PopUp Hotel 2.0
Brooklyn, NY USA
Located in Bushwick, Brooklyn, the PopUp Hotel is a 60 room, midscale, affordable luxury urban resort hotel, with uniquely social and cultural event programming, currently seeking financing, and based on two fundamental truths:
- Travelers are visiting New York City in unprecedented numbers. Millennials will become the leading segment of hotel guests within the next 10 years.
- Typical NYC hotel remain heavily branded or isolate guests from one another. The social needs of guests have been overlooked in the recent push by many hoteliers to acquire and develop affordable luxury product lines that cater to the next generation.
We believe that the PopUp Hotel is the perfect solution; bringing cultural programming and social interaction at an affordable price to an under-served market, yet operates as profitable and environmentally sustainable hospitality investment.
The PopUp Hotel is a new type of hospitality experience that combines a menu of exclusive events with a one-of-a-kind overnight experience.
Phase II and Operational Model Team: Sam Olsen, Louis Barruel, Leon Lai, Eric Tan, Nicolai Schlapps